Transforming cities and businesses for the future through smart technology

Pioneer Partners is a specialized consulting firm that accelerates digital transformation for cities and companies. We help you activate smart technologies to achieve your most important goals as holistic strategists with a tactical focus.



Smart City Master Planning

Comprehensive analysis to combine the city’s mission, vision, and goals with design thinking to create an actionable, ROI-driven plan and roadmap

Initial Smart City Impact Analysis

Analysis to identify high potential ROI and quick-win opportunities

Climate Action Plan Smart Technology Analysis

Analyze your city’s climate action plan to create a tactical implementation roadmap using smart technologies to achieve your goals. Includes ROI analysis, impact calculations, risk modeling, etc.


IIJA/IRA Grant Strategy and Assistance

Identify and develop competitive grant strategy, project vision, and application assistance for IIJA/IRA-related funding opportunities (USDOT SS4A, USDOT SMART, DHS BRIC, USDOT RAISE, USDOT Charging & Fueling Infrastructure, and more)

Innovation District Analysis and Planning

Incorporate innovation district placemaking strategies, combines with smart city technology, to catalyze economic development. This also supports entrepreneurship initiatives

Citizen Engagement Events

Create and facilitate public events (one-time events, series, or long-term programs) designed to engage citizens, gain critical insights, and increase public support


Smart City Stakeholder Education Workshop

Provides objective expertise to educate mayors, leadership teams, committee members, and community stakeholders on smart city value and ROI

Smart City Funding

Help clients identify funds (public-private partnerships, grants, etc.), create compelling strategic narrative, and help them connect with potential funding sources

Ongoing Digital Transformation Advisory

Sample focus areas include transportation and mobility, public safety, connectivity, technology due diligence, financial analysis, and RFP support

“Every time you are tempted to react in the same old way, ask if you want to be a prisoner of the past or a pioneer of the future.”

– Deepak Chopra